The film Vantage Point starts out with the credits and with the credits are a montage of pictures to do with the film e.g police, police cars, guns, members of the government, etc. This is all edited to give you a small amount of information so you get an idea of what the film could be about. After the credits it goes straight into an establishing shot to let you know where everything is taking place. The next few minutes it cuts between scenes of where leaders of the world are gathering with many members of the public gathering around where the world leaders are going to speak. It also shows the armed police who are watching over the public so to protect the world leaders. With every shot of the public, it is a high angle shot to show that they are being watched and that they are not in power, less authority. When showing the armed police, it is a low angle shot, which shows their power over the public as they are armed with weapons. During these few minutes parrallel editing is used, as it jumps from being at the world leader speaking to being at the news station who are talking to one of the film reporters at the scene.
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